TREX™ Calculator

This Trex Calculator is to be used as a general GUIDE ONLY as to approximate material requirements.
Location specific installation requirements are not taken into account which may affect total materials needed.
Deck Length (metres)
Deck Width (metres)
Total Area Square (m2)
Total Lineal Metres of Boards (m)
Grooved Edge Boards Required
(including 5% wastage)
Square Edge Boards Required
Number of Boards per Width
Perimeter Lineal Metres (m)
(picture frame layout)
Option 1 - Trex Hidden Fasteners
Trex Connector Clips
Applicable for groove board fittings
Connector clips for timber sold in box lots sold in lots of 90 or 900
Connector clips for metal sold in box lots sold in lots of 90
Starter Clips
Sold in pack lots of 36
Applies to timber fixing (not required for fixing to metal frame)

Option 2 - Klevaklip Snap Loc Slip
Sold in box lots of 40

Face Fix Screws (individual) - Applicable to Options 1 & 2
For fixing of perimeter square edge boards
CAP-TOR dual thread screws for timber
DECKFAST screws for metal frames